Three Little Words That Will Change Your Life

I am going to share three words with you that can change EVERYTHING for you…and they did for me. If you knew me 6 years ago, you wouldn’t recognize me today. Not because of the 30 or 40 pounds that I let go, but because of these three words.

And it seems so simple, that you may think I’m crazy or over simplifying things…and that’s okay. I am going to share them anyways, because I want you to experience the ease and flow that is now so normal to me, that I can’t really imagine being any other way.

Just Let Go

When we look at all of our problems in life, I can promise you that it stems from holding on to something:

  • Something we believe about ourselves…
  • Something we believe about someone else…
  • Something we believe about someone else’s behavior…and what it means about us, or what we are saying they are saying about us…
  • Other people’s expectations of us…
  • Our need to hold onto something because it feels good, or it did at one point and we want to recreate that…
  • The need to have or own something…
  • What we are saying bout what it means about us if we have or own something…what we are saying it means about us if we DON’T have or own the thing…
  • The need for control…
  • The need for the outcome to happen just as we planned…
  • The need to hold onto a depleting emotion because someone else doesn’t deserve forgiveness…

Do you see where I am going here?

Imagine If You Just Let It All Go...

➡ Take Action:

1) Make a list: of all the things that you are holding on to. Ask yourself what emotion you feel when you hold on. Write it next to each thing you are holding onto, noting whether it is depleting or energizing.

2) Depleting Feelings: Go down the list and reflect on the depleting feelings, and ask yourself if the energy of the emotion aligns with your goals and dreams. Notice the misalignment and ask yourself if you can let this go. Remember, emotions are signals. You don’t have to sit in them for an excessive amount of time to honor the message. If you are ready to let this go, then imagine the energy of the thing(s) that is not in alignment. Imagine pulling it out of your body and putting it in a cloud in front of you in the distance…now imagine the wind picking up and just blowing it all away.

3) Energizing Feelings: Next to each, write down other things or experiences that you think of when you think of this emotion. It is okay to hold onto the feeling and use this for the catalyst of the energy you want to be in AND it is also good to know that there are many roads that lead to that same emotion. This knowing is what allows you to release the need to hold on. Because when we hold on, it can actually become charged with a depleting emotion like fear because we want to protect something. When we are focused on protecting, we are giving energy to the idea that we could lose it, which then confuses the energizing and depleting energies, creating a conflict.

4) Seek Guidance: If letting go is something that feels wrong in your body, or you are afraid to let go, or you think that holding onto it is in some way helping you, this is a good indicator that you may benefit from guidance. We hold on to protect ourselves. If you are afraid to let go, there is something deeper that you may want to address, so that you can operate with more alignment, ease and flow. There is no reason to go through life in the trenches of fear, anger, resentment, hurt, sadness, or just stuck in hard. I promise that was never the plan. I am here if you want to explore what guidance with this looks like.

Immerse Yourself & Just Let Go...

Join us at the Soul Purposefull Retreat, for an intimate gathering of like minded women, seeking to find the alignment that only comes from a deep appreciation and connection to yourself. During the Soul Purposefull workshop at the retreat, you will be guided through a process of release and connection, so you can reset and align to your highest self. 

Rebekah Hogan

Rebekah Hogan

Rebekah Hogan is the founder of MarkahVida, a coaching, education, and consulting firm based on the foundation of science and the communication of our minds. She works with executives and entrepreneurs to achieve self-mastery through connecting with and amplifying their authenticity, so that they can live with purpose and fulfillment.

Hi! I'm Rebekah!

I am on a mission to help you reach ultimate Freedom through Self-Mastery.

Let’s connect and explore what that looks like for you!

Let's Connect!

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